Craniosacral bodywork and transpersonal processes

My work encourages the energy to flow - into a breathing out, giving space, finding new balance in our body, heart, mind and soul. In this process I trust the inner wisdom of my client as well as that of myself beyond thinking.
Depending on the process we will work with touch, words and/or the inner images of the soul.
These different levels in us - body, emotions, mind and soul - are one and cannot be separated. They are interconnected and influence each other. Each is an expression of our whole being. And sometimes the access to the next step we are to take is on another level than expected.
Sometimes my touch might be more gentle, other times more firm in order to encourage you to become aware of energy that was stuck and to allow it to flow again. Sometimes awareness is already moving this process forward. Images, memories or feeling may reveal itself. Old patterns, physical or emotional pain dissolve to a new inner space.

With joyful awareness and interest I observe and support this process of unfolding. Every step, wether painful or joyful, lets us relax a little more into our potential and towards our true nature. This always allows me to experience joy.

With the following issues this work will be supportive:
- Chronic pain and tension
- Sleeping disorders
- Emotional stress
- Burn out
- After accidents and trauma
- Difficulties after operations
- Emotional and spiritual problems, for example difficulties in the family system, karmic impacts.
- In times of new orientation and changes
- As prevention and simply for regeneration

 This work can be combined with conventional treatments and does not replace the treatment of a doctor of medicine.

Praxis für Körperarbeit | Im Hausgrün 27 | 79312 Emmendingen
Tel.: 0174 7628863 |